Omega 3 Benefits Weight Loss

Omega 3’s Can Aid Weight Loss

omega 3 and weight lossEverywhere we turn there are ads for “miracle weight loss” pills and drink mixes, exercise regimens and even apparel. It’s easy to become oblivious and to tune everything out when we are being bombarded with information that seems a little too good to be true.

One fact remains amidst all the hype — a healthy diet and adequate exercise are the keys to losing excess weight and keeping it off. Omega 3’s are an essential part of this puzzle.

Omega 3 benefits weight loss and overall health in several ways. The first is its ability to help increase blood flow to the muscles, also stimulating enzymes that help carry fat to the muscles during exercise, allowing that fat to be burned as energy.

What this means is that moderate exercise can be given a boost, making it more effective with the same level of effort. This isn’t to say that you should take Omega 3’s and scale back your regular workouts, but your routine could start to become just that much more helpful in your efforts toward your weight loss goals. 

Omega 3’s can also help you improve your health in other ways. They have been found to lower triglycerides, the “bad cholesterol” that can clog arteries, leading to heart attacks and strokes.

In some studies, they’ve also been shown to be beneficial in reducing inflammation, helping people with conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Although more research needs to be done, there is also evidence that it can help with memory and learning functions in children and adults alike. 

The highest concentration of Omega 3’s is found in fish such as salmon, herring, sardines, lake trout and tuna. Eating one of these just once a week will provide a healthy dose. There are two types of Omega 3’s that are the most effective — DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).

Both of these are found in large concentrations in the aforementioned fish. For a daily supplementation, there are literally hundreds of fish oil supplements on the market, in almost every conceivable form, from straight oil to gummy chews. Moxxor is considered to be one of the best available because of its efficacy. 

If you are vegetarian, there are a few plant-based options available that can provide you with decent doses of these healthy fatty acids. The most highly concentrated vegetable Omega 3’s come from flax seeds. Chia and hemp seeds are also good sources, as well as winter squash.

Eating lots of leafy greens and certain beans can also give you small amounts of Omega 3’s. A healthy diet full of nutrient-rich food will not only help deliver the Omega 3’s your body needs, but will help combat disease, support your immune system and increase your overall health.

For more in-depth information about Omega 3’s and their benefits to your health, visit the Mayo Clinic’s page: 

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