Omega 3 Benefits Pregnancy

omega 3 benefits pregnancyYou may be wondering whether or not it is a good idea to consume omega-3s during pregnancy. In fact, it is important to change your diet when you are pregnant.

According to health care specialists, there are certain nutrients that play an important role in the health of an expectant mother, as well as the development of the baby.

Recent studies show that there are numerous omega 3 health benefits that all pregnant mothers should be aware of. Omega-3s are essential fatty acids needed for overall body health and are found in certain foods and supplements.

Some of the benefits of omega-3 during pregnancy are outlined in this article.

Benefits to Pregnant Women:

1. Omega-3s help in the regulation of blood pressure. Studies have shown that pregnant mothers are at a high risk of getting high blood pressure. Thus, they are advised to consume foods or supplements that are rich in omega-3s.

2. Next, omega-3 supplements help reduce inflammation and allergic responses. Sometimes expectant mothers become allergic to certain types of foods. When they happen to consume them, they actually start vomiting or develop stomach aches. To avoid this, they are advised to take diet rich in omega-3s.

3. Also, other studies have proved that pregnant women who take omega-3s give birth to babies with lower risk of getting eczema and food allergies.

4. These supplements also help in the prevention of mood changes, which can be a big problem for some pregnant women. Taking the recommended amount of omega-3 helps reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancers.

Benefits to the Developing Baby

1. Fish is an important source of omega-3 fatty acids and other essential nutrients such as zinc, iron and vitamin D. Studies show that regular intake of fish helps in the development of the baby’s nervous system.

2. A recent study has shown that a certain type of omega-3 known as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) tends to improve the brain of a developing child.

3. When you are pregnant, you actually need a lot of omega-3 fatty acids. The acids are expected to travel via the placenta to reach the baby. Such acids will support the growth of the baby’s brain and other body tissues.

4. Help in eye development of the baby.

5. Help increase the baby’s birth weight and prevent premature labor.

6. It is also needed for proper cognitive development of the baby.

Conclusion When you are pregnant, It is a good idea take the recommended amounts of omega 3. It is always advisable to seek omega 3 benefits pregnancy advice from health care professionals on which amounts to take. 

omega 3 benefitsYou also need to be careful that you have a quality, pristine product free of pcb's, mercury and other toxins. A product like Moxxor will more than do the trick. Take a look at how small the pills are (pic on this page) and it is 168 times more potent than regular fish oil.

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