Flaxseed Oil Benefits

Flaxseed oil comes from the seeds of the flax plant. Flaxseed oil contains both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are needed for health. Flaxseed oil benefits come from all kinds of foods that range from crackers to frozen waffles to oatmeal.

The Flax Council estimates close to 300 new flax-based products were launched in the U.S. and Canada in 2010 alone. That's an incredible amount of products, let alone just flaxseed items.

Although flaxseed contains all sorts of healthy components, it owes its healthy reputation primarily to three ingredients:

  1. Omega-3 essential fatty acids – "good" fats that have been shown to have heart-healthy effects. Each tablespoon of ground flaxseed contains about 1.8 grams of plant omega-3s.
  2. Lignans – which have both plant estrogen and antioxidant qualities. Flaxseed contains 75-800 times more lignans than other plant foods.
  3. Fiber – Flaxseed contains both the soluble and insoluble types.

Here are some flaxseed oil benefits below:

  • Research shows low incidence of breast cancer and colon cancer in populations that have high amounts of lignan in their diet. Flax is 100 times richer in lignan than most whole grains.
  • Studies show that Omega-3 fatty acids help lower cholesterol and blood triglycerides, and prevent clots in arteries, which may result in strokes, heart attacks and thromboses.
  • Helps protect the body against high blood pressure, inflammation, water retention, sticky platelets and lowered immune function. 
  • Shortens recovery time for fatigued muscles after exertion.
  • Increases the body's production of energy and also increases stamina.
  • Accelerates the healing of sprains and bruises.
  • Eases weight loss in people afflicted with obesity.
  • Stimulates brown fat cells and increases the metabolic rate making it easier to burn off fat.

As you can see the flaxseed oil benefits are very wide ranging and are in so many foods it is really hard to keep up. I love eating cereal with flaxseed as that is one of my favorites and is obviously great for the overall health of your body.



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